Holiday Eating Guide

Holiday Eating Guide

1. Don’t skip meals. This backfires because you come to the next meal over hungry and eat more then intended.  

2. Fill up on lower calorie, nutrient dense foods such as veggies, and lean cold cuts.

3. Make just one trip to the party buffet. 

4. Eat slowly and enjoy each mouthful. Hold your glass in the hand that you normally eat with to make finger foods less accessible. 

5. Avoid grazing while you cook. Little nibbles can really add up! When it’s time to eat, sit down and savor. 

6. Don’t waste calories on foods you don’t like or foods you can have anytime. 

7. Eat only when you are hungry & not because food is near. 

8. Don’t buy candy or goodies too far ahead of an event. Once purchased keep it out of sight.

9. Beware of liquid calories; eggnog, beer, soda, wine. They go down so easily and often do not add much nutrition to your intake, but add a lot of calories. 

10. Write a list of things to do other than eat (such as taking a walk, calling a friend, or housework), to have available when you feel bored, angry, frustrated, lonely, depressed or any way that leads to cravings. 

11. Choose only the foods you really want & keep the portions small. 

12. Don’t hang out near the food-socialize a distance away. This will prevent unconscious nibbling.

13. Use a plate for even the smallest snack - you’ll eat less. 

14. Contrast flavors, textures, and temperatures for more satisfaction in your eating. 

15. Be realistic. Trying to lose weight during the holidays may be a self-defeating goal. Instead, strive to maintain your weight. 

16. When you arrive at a party, avoid rushing to the food. Greet people you know - conversation is calorie free! Get a zero-calorie beverage and settle into the festivities before eating. Overall, you may eat less. 

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