About Us
The Easy Way to Eat Right!
CarbEssentials is a Better Approach to Low Carb Dieting and Low Fat Diet Food
1-888-55-SNEAL (76325) or 1-530-222-5459
CarbEssentials was opened in early 2003 by Raymond Powell, MD and his wife Dominique Powell. Dr. Powell treats hundreds of medical weight loss patients in his clinics and is always looking for high-quality, nutritional products to help them achieve their goals. This is a very difficult task because most of the 'low carb' foods in the mainstream stores ARE 'low carb,' but what most food companies add to make them low carb, is FAT! Fat is cheap, easy to use, makes food taste good, and increases PROFIT! To add protein to a product is expensive and less profitable.

Dr. Powell started to search for products that are not sold in most food stores: good tasting items that maintain a high quality of protein while keeping the fat low and carbohydrates relatively low to moderate. That was not an easy task—but he did it! Dr. Powell personally selects each product sold in his stores; he is the 'purchasing agent', his wife and six kids are the taste testers! He personally uses these low carb diet products to maintain his 75-pound weight loss.
Dr. Powell also treats a growing number of patients who have had Gastric Bypass surgery and are beginning to regain their weight back. He also consults with many other Gastric Bypass patients who are confused about what they should eat and take as supplements to get adequate nutrition while keeping their weight down. He has spent countless hours researching companies offering specialized products for weight loss patients. These low carb, low fat products are also available to the public and are excellent diet products for anyone, whether you have had Gastric Bypass surgery or not.
Whether you are a medical weight loss patient just trying to lose a few pounds, or an athlete trying to optimize your diet, try our low-carb, low-fat, high-protein, diet food items. CarbEssentials and the SNEAL - a better low carb diet solution.